Thanks once again to all our contributors and delegates for a really engaging workshop on 17 June. Thankfully this time around many of us were able to meet in-person, while others were able to watch and present remotely, as we gathered at the University of York's Humanities Research Centre for a day of fruitful discussions surrounding new datasets, new theoretical frameworks, and new analytical methods.
The idea was to bring together specialists in the archaeologies and histories of York and Dublin with others engaging in leading edge research across archaeology and its cognate disciplines. We were delighted to have Peter Addyman open our meeting, with reflections on the history of collaboration in the studies of our two cities. Our discussions roamed widely across debates in the history of York and Dublin (Dawn Hadley; Howard Clarke), topography, architecture, and burial (Rebecca Boyd; Stephen Harrison); the application of new scientific approaches to artefacts and genetics (Steve Ashby; Cathy Swift), and environmental archaeology *(David Orton, Meriel McClatchie). We were also delighted to be able to host Soren Sindbaek, who was able to put our urban excavations in their wider Scandinavian context, with reference to his recent excavations at Ribe,
These short papers were followed by extensive discussion, ably chaired by Peter Addyman, Ailsa Mainman, Emer Purcell and Terry O'Connor. We are so grateful to all, and all of you who contributed to discussion both on the floor and over coffee or lunch. There was a real buzz in the room!
We now look forward to workshop 3 in October, for which we will hope to 'return' to Dublin!